Two weeks ago I completed my first semester in the Master's of Public Health (MPH) program at San Francisco State University. Getting back into the groove of juggling a full-time job, school, and two little doggies was a challenge, but with the help of my amazing husband Tristan, we all survived!
One thing everyone should know about me is that I am a huge fan of making lists. I completely adore the hyper-organizational form my life takes on when a freshly inked list is placed in front of me. I make lists for everything from grocery lists to lists of what I am going to do for the day...heck, I even make lists of lists I need to write! Where was I going with this? Ah yes, I enjoy making lists so much that the very second my last final exam was over, I started making a list of all of things I wanted to do with my seemingly endless amount of free time during my 5 school-free weeks of freedom between semesters. Much to my surprise, almost every item on my list was related to food or cooking in some way.
For the last four months, I have only had enough time to throw together simple meals such as pasta with veggie sauce or cereal; I have not been able to try a single new recipe. Therefore, my to-do list for my remaining 4 weeks of freedom is to cook as much as possible! I want to try as many new recipes as I can. So be sure to check this site during the upcoming weeks. You won't be disappointed!